Thursday, November 19, 2009


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Known with the generic name Venlafaxine hydrochloride, effexor generic is an anti-depressant drug prescribed in treating depression and anxiety in people that lead to several related symptoms such as social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder along with sleep disorders, appetite changes, loss of mind & body coordination, loss of libido, increased fatigue and weakness, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, concentrating difficulty, slow thinking, loss of memory, suicidal thoughts etc. This medicine is also highly effective in treating panic disorders in adults.
Effexor generic works by affecting the chemical messengers inside the brain known as neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine etc. Made by nerve cells and discharged by other cells, these neurotransmitters pass to the nearby nerve cells and stimulate the cells to be converted into more or less active componets. The imbalance in these neurotransmitters is believed to be the major cause of depression that can lead to symptoms of anxiety in human. This medicine functions by slowing down the release of neurotransmitters or by inhibiting the action of neurotransmitters, thereby reducing the depression symptoms. An Extended release formulation of Venlafaxine is also available.

Some serious complications of drug interactions are reported regarding the use of this medicine. Effexor when taken in combination with MAO inhibitors like Parnate or Nardil can cause life-threatening interactions in the body. This medicine should never be taken in combination with MAO inhibitors and it is strongly recommended to wait for 14 days while taking these two medications together.

As many other medications that affects the functions of the brain, Effexor is also known to slow down the reflexes or cause judgment impairment. For that reason, it is very important to be cautious during the early course of treatment with this drug. Children below the age of 18 years should not be offered with medicine. It should not be used by pregnant women or those who are planning to get pregnant as it can affect the fetus. Nursing mothers should also avoid this medication that can affect the nursing infants.

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